Extra info
Biggest choice of climbing holds available today or tomorrow.

SMILIES - 20015

JUNGLE - 10012

Magma HRT 10023

Slopers L size-10052

Pockets M - 10057

Pinches L-10065

Pinches L-10066

Pinches M - 10067

Alien poop HRT 10211

COW POOP-10218

Ebola - L15 - 10219


JAR JAR JUGS - 10232

Jabba jugs - L - 10233

Dune jugs - 30M - 10234

Pop corn - HRT holds (10236)

All grips II, 10253

Lava L - 10255

Permits-micro edges S 10264

GBG Hermits-crimps S-10265

Shadooms-edges M - 10268

Prisonms - incut edges M

Pressence-pinches M-10276

Fluturs-Pinches L - 10277

organtics-Pinches XL-10278

Elder brothers-Jugs L-10280

Elder brothers-Jugs L-10281

Ervulotion-Jugs XL-10282

Monast-airy-Jugs Mega -10283

Pawns - S 10330

Pawns - M 10331

Globes - S 10335

Мicroscopics - M -10336

Beams 1-L 10337

Beams 2 - L 10338

Spartan crimps M 12362

Spartan edges M 12363

The Abyss- xs-screw-on 12400

The abyss - M1,

The abyss - M2, 12404

Volx Cracks Mutation

Arachna M - edges

Arachna S - pinches - 20005

Arachna M - pinches - 20006

Arachna L - pockets 20009

Medusa S - mini jugs-20015

Phantom S - mixed - 20019

Invaders S - crimps-20025

Invaders M - jugs -20029

Vibrations M - edges - 20041

Cotton jugs - M5 - 20064

Cotton L - edges-20065

Creepy L/XL roof jugs - Fiction holds (20070)
Out of stock

Creepy S - 20072

Perseides L Jugs - Fiction holds (20081)
Out of stock

Scream L - edges - 20085

Zodiac M - jugs - 20101

Eruption jugs M - 20118

Truffles mini jugs S (20148)

Bloom M - jugs-20149

Chrono S - edges 20202

Invaders M -edges-20300

Pinches L1 - 30015

Aizķereu komplekts 11XL


Aizķere 19 XXL